On this page you will learn how to say thank you in Russian language

Thank you- Спасибо

thank you in Russian language




Спасибо [spa-SI-ba]

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Спасибо [spa-SI-ba] = thank you
Да, спасибо [da spa-SI-ba] = yes, thank you
Нет, спасибо [nyet spa-SI-ba] = no, thank you

Original meaning of the word “Спасибо” is “May God save you”.

thank you in Russian language
In English letters




Спасибо [spa-SI-ba]


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About the word

Спасибо [spa-SI-ba] = thank you
Да, спасибо [da spa-SI-ba] = yes, thank you
Нет, спасибо [nyet spa-SI-ba] = no, thank you

Original meaning of the word “Спасибо” is “May God save you”.

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Learn also the Russian word for happy birthday or goodnight. Find out also what sorry will be in Russian.

Learning Russian has become common in present days. Perhaps, you have as of now set about picking up Russian when you heard Russian words pronounced in a song, in a movie, or written in a book (in a marginal note). Maybe you wanted to pick up some cool trendy Russian sayings. You checked Google and YouTube looking for a Russian pronunciation instructions to learn simple Russian pronunciation and spelling. Or maybe you felt like learning how to write and speak Russian and you wondered how to write Cyrillic in English letters.
On this website you can discover everyday expressions in English translated to Russian. Besides, you can listen to Russian language audio and learn most popular Russian sayings. However, language learning is not restricted to learning the pronunciation of Russian words. You need to get a live picture of the word into your head, and you can do it on this website by studying frequent Russian words with pictures. And much more! You can not only listen to online audio of Russian phrases and words, but look at how these words are pronounced by watching a video and learning the translation of the word! Ultimately, to make the pictures of the words sink into your head, this Internet page has a pronunciation instructions in English letters. So, as you can see, we use a broad complex of learning tools to help you win in studying Russian.
In present days you can find lots of free resources for learning Russian: sites, YouTube channels, podcasts and webpages like this one which can help you pick up speaking, grammar, practical Russian expressions, pronunciation, Russian Cyrillic alphabet, spelling. However, all these websites provide you with non-organized language material, and this might confuse you. To remove uncertainty and get structured understanding as well as to save your time, you need a Russian teacher because it’s their work to structure the material and give you what you need the most. The tutor knows your weaknesses and strengths, your specific pronunciation and knows how to attain your language aims. The only thing you need to do is to count on the teacher and revel in your pro-level Russian language in a 6-month time.

Now you know how to say thank you in Russian language.