On this page you will learn how to say happy victory day in Russian on the 9th of May

Happy Victory day!
Or Happy 9th of May!
C Днём Победы! C Девятым мая!

Russian Victory day on the 9th of May




С Днём Победы [s DNYOM po-BEH-dy]

С Девятым  мая [s de-VYA-tim MA-ya]


[baslider name=”Russian Victory day”]

С Днём Победы! [s DNYOM po-BYE-dy] = Happy Victory Day!
C = with – preposition
Днём [DNYOM] = (with) day – noun, Masculine, Singular, Instrumental Case
Победы [po-BYE-dy] = (of) Victory – noun, Feminine, Singular, Genitive Case

С Девятым мая [s de-VYA-tim MA-ya] = Happy 9th of May!
C = with – preposition
Девятым [de-VYA-tim] = the 9th – ordinal number, Masculine, Singular, Instrumental Case
мая [MA-ya] = (of) May – noun, Masculine, Singular, Genitive Case

Russian Victory day on the 9th of May
In English letters




С Днём Победы [s DNYOM po-BEH-dy]

С Девятым  мая [s de-VYA-tim MA-ya]



[baslider name=”Russian Victory day”]

About the word

С Днём Победы! [s DNYOM po-BYE-dy] = Happy Victory Day!
C = with – preposition
Днём [DNYOM] = (with) day – noun, Masculine, Singular, Instrumental Case
Победы [po-BYE-dy] = (of) Victory – noun, Feminine, Singular, Genitive Case

С Девятым мая [s de-VYA-tim MA-ya] = Happy 9th of May!
C = with – preposition
Девятым [de-VYA-tim] = the 9th – ordinal number, Masculine, Singular, Instrumental Case
мая [MA-ya] = (of) May – noun, Masculine, Singular, Genitive Case

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You may also want to know how to say hello comrade or Soviet Union in Russian. Find out also how to say Love conquers hate in Russian.

Victory Day in Russia is rightly the most patriotic holiday. Millions of people march the streets of Russian cities on the 9th of May to pay tribute to those who fought for our country, our children, our future. The Great Patriotic War carried away the lives of 26,600,000 Soviet people. Hitler’s Operation Barbarossa was intended to invade the USSR within a few months, but the Germany attack was bogged down, and the Nazis had to face great bravery and self-sacrifice of Soviet soldiers.
The Great Patriotic War (1941-1945) is a part of WWII that was held predominantly on the territory of the Soviet Union between the USSR and Nazi Germany.
Among the most important WW2 dates are the Battle of Stalingrad and the Battle of Kursk, which turned the course of the Second World War towards the unconditional surrender of Nazi Germany. By defeating the Nazi invaders on its territory, the USSR played the decisive role in freeing the whole world from the deathly threat of fascism.
During the Victory Day parade on the Red Square in Moscow everyone can observe the power of the Russian army and feel the solidarity of the Russian people.
2nd World War is something that we must never forget. We must never forget the reasons why it started and never allow fascism raise its head again.

Now you know how to say Happy Victory day in Russian on the 9th of may.