On this page you will learn How to say Happy Valentine’s day in Russian and Russian love words and phrases

Happy Valentine’s day! – 
C Днём Святого Валентина!

When is Valentine’s Day? This question interests many young people every February, and especially lovers who want to know special wishes for this day. It’s not enough just to say “Happy St Valentine’s Day” to your Valentine, especially if he or she is Russian.

Every year on February 14 there is a special demand for happy Valentines Day greetings and romantic phrases in Russian, such as “I love you”, “I adore you”, “You’re so beautiful”, “You’re the best”, “My love”, so on this page you will learn how to say these phrases correctly in Russian. These Russian love words and phrases will help you be closer to your partner on this special day. Saying them in his or her native language will make this day unforgettable.

Most people just ask how to say “Happy Valentine’s Day” or how to say “I love you” in Russian, but you are obviously not “most people”, so you absolutely need to learn some romantic Russian phrases.

People from other countries often ask “Does Russia celebrate Valentine’s Day?” And the answer is yes. This holiday has been celebrated in Russian for many years now, so be ready to surprise your Russian friend with Valentine’s Day wishes.

On this page you will also find Valentine’s Day messages that you can send to your girlfriend or boyfriend as an SMS or a message in social media. Just copy and paste them where you want.

(For a girl)
Догадайся, чье «сердечко» (Guess whose heart)
Держишь ты сейчас в руках? (you’re holding in your hands now)
Кто тебя так крепко любит (who loves you so much)
И витает в облаках? (and whose head is in the clouds)

(For a guy)
Ты очень надёжный, спокойный и чуткий. (You are very reliable, calm, and attentive)
И я с нетерпеньем считаю минутки (And I’m counting the minutes until we meet)

Now that you know advanced Valentine’s Day wishes hurry and say them to your special someone!

C Днём Святого Валентина! Happy Valentine’s Day to all of you!

How to say Happy Valentine's day in Russian and Russian love words and phrases




С Днём Святого Валентина [s Dnyom svi-TO-va va-len-TEE-na]

С Днём Святого Валентина [s Dnyom svi-TO-va va-len-TEE-na]

Я тебя люблю [Ya te-BYA lyu-BLYU]
Я люблю тебя [Ya lyu-BLYU te-BYA]
Я тебя обожаю [Ya te-BYA a-ba-ZHA-yu]

солнышко [SOL-ny-shka] = little sun

зайка [ZAY-ka] = bunny

котик [KO-tik] = little cat

Ты самая красивая [TY SA-ma-ya kra-SEE-va-ya]

Ты самый лучший [TY SA-miy LOOT-shiy]

С Днём Святого Валентина [s Dnyom svya-TO-va va-len-TEE-na] = Happy Valentine’s Day

C = with – preposition
днём = day – noun, Masculine, Singular, Instrumental Case
Святого = Saint – adjective, Masculine, Singular, Genitive Case
Валентина = Valentine – noun, Masculine, Singular, Genitive Case

день = day – noun, Masculine, Singular, Nominative Case
Святой = Saint – adjective, Masculine, Singular, Nominative Case
Валентин = Valentine – noun, Masculine, Singular, Nominative Case

How to say Happy Valentine's day in Russian and Russian love words and phrases
In English letters




С Днём Святого Валентина [s Dnyom svi-TO-va va-len-TEE-na]

About the word

С Днём Святого Валентина [s Dnyom svi-TO-va va-len-TEE-na]

Я тебя люблю [Ya te-BYA lyu-BLYU]
Я люблю тебя [Ya lyu-BLYU te-BYA]
Я тебя обожаю [Ya te-BYA a-ba-ZHA-yu]

солнышко [SOL-ny-shka] = little sun

зайка [ZAY-ka] = bunny

котик [KO-tik] = little cat

Ты самая красивая [TY SA-ma-ya kra-SEE-va-ya]

Ты самый лучший [TY SA-miy LOOT-shiy]

С Днём Святого Валентина [s Dnyom svya-TO-va va-len-TEE-na] = Happy Valentine’s Day

C = with – preposition
днём = day – noun, Masculine, Singular, Instrumental Case
Святого = Saint – adjective, Masculine, Singular, Genitive Case
Валентина = Valentine – noun, Masculine, Singular, Genitive Case

день = day – noun, Masculine, Singular, Nominative Case
Святой = Saint – adjective, Masculine, Singular, Nominative Case
Валентин = Valentine – noun, Masculine, Singular, Nominative Case

Now you know how to say Happy Valentine’s day in Russian and Russian love words and phrases.