On this page you will learn how to say come here in Russian

Come here – Идите сюда

How to say come here in Russian



Идите сюда [ee-DEE-te syu-da]

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Идите (go/come) – verb of motion, Imperative, formal
Иди (go/come) – verb of motion, Imperative, informal
Сюда – here (when talking about direction)

How to say come here in Russian
In English letters



Идите сюда [ee-DEE-te syu-da]


[baslider name=”How_to_say_come_here_in_Russian”]

About the word

Идите (go/come) – verb of motion, Imperative, formal
Иди (go/come) – verb of motion, Imperative, informal
Сюда – here (when talking about direction)

Now you know how to say come here in Russian.